Our Collies

HorseShoe Mountain's Forever Amber

Amber is very dear to us.  She is the smartest collie I've ever met; which is saying alot.  She loves to mother all babies, even kittens and lambs. Our sheep even think she is their mom.  She loves everyone and everyone loves her. Amber is the mother of Lassie.   She has been retired from having puppies for many years now but is very enthusiastic about being a grandma.   

HorseShoe Mountain's Highland Lassie

Lassie is very intelligent, affectionate, and enthusiastic. She is watching over a flock of ducklings in this photo.  Lassie is the mother of Alexa. 

HorseShoe Mountain's Alexandria of Legend

 Alexa is very intelligent.  She skipped the training classes and learned obedience from watching the adult collies.  Besides being gorgeous, she is very friendly, loyal and protective of me.  When we go hiking off the leash, she stays close to me and watches over me.  She is normal eyed.

HorseShoe Mountain Collies 


HorseShoe, NC 28742


Tel: (828)891-8686