Wholistic Health For Dogs

We have spent alot of time working with our dogs on their health by giving them natural products and foods.  Over many years, we have gained a wealth of experience on the best ways to keep them healthy.


 Don't get me wrong, I like my vet; I just don't want to see him any more than I have to.  I prefer preventative healthcare for myself and my furry kids.  


Many of the things we take ourselves can also be given to the dogs.  This is not so with cats.  I believe this has a great deal to do with the differences in digestive systems.  

I have read that another difference is in the way our livers process things.  Dogs and cats have different metabolic pathways in their livers and that this is why they cannot safely eat some of the foods we enjoy, such as chocolate and grapes. 



These are some of the remedies that I have found over the years to work best and where to get them: 

I like to put Pau D’Arco tea in my dog’s water.  This is one of the things that I can also give my cats.  I use it to boost their immune system and take care of fungal infections. When I put it in their water, I am using it just as a preventative.  If they are already ill, I use the extract and either squirt it in their mouth or apply it to the area where it is needed. For example, if they have a fungal infection on the skin, which often just shows up as an itchy area which no obvious cause, I use the extract directly on their skin.  I also use it for flea or mosquito bites to stop the itchiness.  This is my favorite remedy for me too.  With Pau D’Arco though, it is very important to be careful where you get it from.  There are several different species of the Pau D’Arco tree and only one species is really effective.  So it is important to find a source that is capable of testing it to make sure it is the correct species.  I have a source that I trust and this is the only place I will get it from.   


When I was growing up, my Mom had a health store and she used products from many different companies.  Eventually she realized that the things she was getting from one certain company worked better than things she was getting from other companies.  Now I get my things from that company if they have it before I would get them from anywhere else. 

I have a way to save as much as possible when I get these things:

First if you buy $40, you can get the wholesale price and save up to 33% off retail.  If you order over $100 on the first order, they give you back $15 to use on your second order.   When you place a second order, you can get another 20% off. 

ON orders after that, if they are over $100, they will mail a check to you for 10% off.  You can order as little as you want, but if your order is over $100, you save the most money on what you get. 

To save even more money, I get the things I use most sent to me automatically each month and they give me free shipping  and product credit to use for free products.   

They give all this money back on orders instead of doing advertising.



Another thing I use daily is Silver Shield.  Silver Shield quickly become one of my favorite “go to” remedies after it was released a few years ago.  I use the gel to heal wounds and kill bacteria.  The liquid I give the dogs by mouth to fight infections.  It actually makes antibiotics more effective, although I have also used it in place of antibiotics.  It kills the bad bacteria without killing the good probiotic bacteria that live in the digestive system.  Many people have heard of using silver before, but this is different than other silver products.  It is safer than other types of silver products.  So safe, I have used it on newborn puppies who were too young to have antibiotics with great success.  I have also found it to work better than colloidal or ionic silvers.   

Check back often, as I will add more of my experiences of how I keep my furry friends healthy!  

HorseShoe Mountain Collies 


HorseShoe, NC 28742


Tel: (828)891-8686